At the Bible Institute at Raiwaqa it is our goal to challenge our students to not only succeed, but to excel in Bible knowledge, Christian living, and sharing their faith. Over a two-year commitment to study, our students will be challenged with forty-eight different courses that cover a wide variety subjects, including courses in textual studies, introductory level Greek, Bible backgrounds, and ministry. During their studies, they will be introduced to every book of the Bible with a focus on learning how to study a text for themselves, how to prepare their own oral lessons, and how to share their faith with others. At the Bible Institute, we believe that the Bible is more than a book that is to be studied; it is a transformational message that is meant to be lived out on a daily basis (Romans 12:1-2). As such, we aim to give our students the tools they need to study and grow in their knowledge of the word of God while helping them to learn how to apply that knowledge to their own lives. Upon completion of our program, we want our students to be prepared for a lifetime of study and ministry. We do not believe that our program is the end of their studies; we believe it is the beginning of a lifelong quest to learn and live out God's precious message.